NLP Painting Book


This isn’t just any art book. This book tells the story of living your dream and of true acceptance, no matter your life’s circumstances, your disability, sexuality and age! No Limit Painting has partnered with BadCat Digital Marketing & the Initiative Foundation to illustrate and publish our very own 18 page color/painting book!

You can truly be ANYTHING if YOU just believe!

Let your imagination be fired up while you add your artistic flair to this inspiring story. We’ve seen coloring books, but not paint books! Printed on high quality paper, each page works to share a message of hope, acceptance and inspiration. Also included is a watercolor painting kit.

No Limit Painting has chosen Anna Marie's Alliance as our nonprofit of choice to donate 10% of every book sold to the needs of the women and children from the first 150 books.

This book will represent children of color as well as children with physical disabilities! I’m committed to helping children of color find their own identity, build confidence, self-awareness in accepting their unique qualities, express creativity, communication, mental health benefits, and find empowerment. Fostering a diverse learning experience in the hopes of inspiring black and brown, at-risk, under privileged youth to believe that they possess the power to be anything. This has inspired me to publish my very own color/paint book to further help the children identify with all of the above!

Your support in purchasing this book will have a positive impact on so many children/families!

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